How to build together?

We believe that communities have a great potential to transform realities from their wisdom, knowledge, and love for their territory. This strongly motivate us to co-create from our experience and theirs to get solutions jointly.

If you belong to a community and want to undertake an initiative with us, don’t hesitate to contact us.

We invite you to learn and build together!


Building together peace territories!

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Educative Community of Colegio Antonio Nariño
Villa de Leyva, Boyacá

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Peasant Community of Pijaos
Cucaita, Boyacá

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Educative Community of IE Nueva Generación
Sáchica, Boyacá

The labor we accomplish together contributes to stablish processes of social appropriation of knowledge which properly respond to the communities’ interests and strengthen their social fabric.

¡Let’s talk!

¿Cuál es su rol dentro de la comunidad? ¿Qué necesidad identifica o qué idea tiene? ¿Por qué trabajar juntos?


Science and technology at the service of society - find out how!



Contact us now!